2. Company Information
  3. Environmental Activities

Environmental Activities

Environmental Policy

Basic Philosophy

Fuji Logistics Group, as a good corporate citizen in global society, is determined to contribute to the establishment of a recycling-oriented society by means of providing human- and environmentally friendly logistics services, in recognition of the importance of our corporate social responsibility and deeming it one of our management objectives to help protect the global environment.

Basic Policy

Our company deems it our core mission to undertake the whole area of logistics innovation and conducts business activities to satisfy our customers' logistics-solution needs. Since the company's business activities affect the global environment in such aspects as consumption of resources and energy, emission of waste, exhaust of gases from automobiles and supply of packing materials, the company shall perform environment-improvement activities, as stated below.

  1. (1) Promotion of global-warming prevention
    (2) Promotion of effective use for resource
    (3) Promotion of hazardous chemicals management
    (4) Expansion of green partners
    (5) Promotion of environmental preservation social contribution activity

Saburo Naraba